A large black drum that Bob caught with a lot of help from our great guide, Bobby Ward (He drove the boat to the right spot, rigged the tackle, baited the hook, sometimes cast the line because I couldn't throw it far enough, then I reeled in the fish)
Brown pelicans waiting by the fish cleaning station.
Cooler full of the fish we kept - 10 black drum, 3 red drum, 6 spotted seatrout, and 1 sheepshead.
One of the red drum Bob caught.
A bat that I saw clinging to the restroom building wall at Inks Lake State Park
The Big Blue Crab
The Big Tree. A live oak in Goose Island State park that is probably the oldest living live oak tree, perhaps as much as 2,000 years old. It has survived from anywhere between forty to fifty major hurricanes, numerous floods, droughts and wildfires.