Album: Weminuche Wilderness, Noname Creek, 2006
Taylor and Bob with Engine 481.
Taylor on the train.
Taylor cascades down the infamous Water Tank Hill.
Mushrooms on Tree.
Proof that trout have returned to the upper Animas.
Animas River and Flowers.
Taylor navigates up Noname Creek.
Jagged and Peak 10 from Noname Creek.
Looking out the door of Jagged Cabin at Taylor.
View looking East from Jagged Cabin.
Alpenglow on Jagged, Gray Needle, and Peak 10.
Needle Ridge, Peak 11, and Twin Thumbs.
I'm climbing that next year (Jagged Peak).
Taylor and Bob with Monitor and Peak 13 in the background.
Bob with Sunlight in the background.
Taylor takes a break.
Knife Point and Sunlight.
Our constant companion at Jagged Cabin.
Morning at Jagged Cabin.
Peaks South of Jagged Cabin.
Train near Water Tank Hill.
Taylor strolls up Water Tank Hill.
Taylor atop Water Tank Hill.
Taylor on the Needleton Bridge.
Bob and Taylor at Needleton.