Album: Taylor and Bob's backpacking trip up Vallecito Creek in the Weminuche Wilderness, September 2014.
Bob at the Vallecito Campground at the beginning of the trip.
Taylor at the entrance to the Weminuche Wilderness.
Vallecito Creek.
Bob at the first bridge on the Vallecito Creek Trail.
Taylor at the first bridge on the Vallecito Creek Trail.
Our campsite about 4 miles up the Vallecito Creek Trail.
We hung up our food to make it harder for the critters to steal a free meal.
Taylor eating breakfast in camp.
Our campsite about 4 miles up the Vallecito Creek Trail.
Bob brewing some coffee with a Jetboil stove and French press.
Taylor with a rainbow trout.
Bob wet wading Vallecito Creek to catch the numerous small brook trout.
Bob with a rainbow trout.
Taylor at the second bridge on the Vallecito Creek Trail.
A skewered trout roasting over the coals.
Taylor feasting on trout.
Leftovers after the trout feast.
Bob at the second bridge on the Vallecito Creek Trail.
Taylor relaxing in a hammock.
Taylor and Bob at the first bridge on the Vallecito Creek Trail on the way out.